The only thing that would make the folder scan even better is the ability to 'right click' in the area of the located text and have the option to: 'open the file', and 'open file location' (open the folder) while selecting that particular file so you don't have to navigate to it. If you don’t check it, well, they aren’t Ignore duplicates hardlinking to the same file: If this option is enabled, dupeGuru will verify duplicates to see if they refer to the same inode. dupeGuru is a free, cross-platform duplicate file finder, which offers a range of features and options, including a few advanced ones. If the reference file is from a reference folder (filename written in blue letters), you cannot remove it from the reference position. Can mix file kind: If you check this box, duplicate groups are allowed to have files with different extensions. Have just tested the new update and it's great. Thus, if a file you want to mark is reference, select a duplicate file in the group that you want to promote to reference, and click on Actions>Make Selected into Reference. Will comment it here too as it's somewhat related: I commented on my closed issue and not familiar with github so I'm not sure if it will notify you.